Sunday, 9 November 2014

“Teaching in the Internet age means we must teach tomorrow’s skills today.” – Jennifer Fleming

Busy hands typing on keyboards, busy fingers touching buttons, swiping screens and pressing buttons plus lots of new ways of finding out new information has been occurring in pre-school this week. Books have been read, listened to on CD along with the book and watched on the smart board to demonstrate how different types of technology can help us to do the same job, just in different ways. Objects with pulleys, knobs and levers were also explored and played with this week and the children's favourite apart from the table football was the Downfall game.

The children have been seen laying on their tummies on the floor playing with various types of technology, helping each other to turn the device on or to press the correct button to the question. They have taken turns independently using the sand timers without support as they were all so eager to have a go at various electrical games.


With their keyworkers, the children were encouraged to retrieve information from the internet using a specially designed booklet.  Each child had their own booklet and were asked to choose from one of the topics.  Then they used the keyboard to type that word onto the search engine.  The mouse was then used to click on images so that they could choose a picture from their topic that they could print and stick into their booklet.  They also had to look for a fact on that topic too.  This activity was really well received by the children and it was a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their skills and pre-existing knowledge with their keyworker and have that special 1:1 time.  The staff also found it interesting how many children touched the monitor or screen like they would an iPad or tablet and how many children knew lots of the technical devises and their uses.

The rhyme of the week was quite a funny one this week by Kenn Nesbitt and the children really enjoyed joining in with the rhyming words and afterwards talking about all the different devices, why they think all the devices stopped working and what would they talk about if that happened to them - there were some funny responses!

Parent Partnership
What a fantastic response there has been already to the Flat Stanley wider community learning topic! Two have already been on their travels; one here in England who travelled down the road to an indoor play place, a bit further to visit a zoo and then all the way up to Liverpool to visit the football stadium and watch the football match.  

The other Flat Stanley went on holiday with the child her coloured it in and her family to Cyprus!  It looked liked that FS had a busy week exploring lots of new sounds, smells and sights!

The owners of these FS's had lots of fun sharing the photos with their friends at carpet time.  Others spoke excitability about where their's had been sent too -  "My cousins house!", "Mummy's friend in Australia" and "Do-die" (Dubai)!  Staff are looking forward to seeing all the fun and exciting places FS has travelled too over this pre-school year!

EYFS Links
Technology is part of Understanding the World area of learning.  Technology covers not only electronic devices but pulley's, knobs and leavers.  When planning for specific activities staff spent time ensuring that the activities had an educational purpose, encouraged collaboration, intergration with other areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and were age appropriate.

Whilst computers, iPads, tablets etc, have a very important role to play in technology so does lots of other information and communication technology (ICT); traffic lights, bar code scanners, calculators, street lights etc. Children need to be offered the opportunity to be able to explore these artefacts all be it a real iPod, an old and no longer working telephone or a cardboard box made to look like a camera.

Parents and staff provide vital support in helping children to make sense of ICT of their world by providing technology for the children to explore, joining in with their play by scaffolding new language and skills required to use and understand the technology plus sit back and observe the children to see how they are making sense of ICT and identify their learning needs.

The EYFS identifies the following for children to achieve between 30-50 months:
Knows how to operate simple equipment
Shows an interest in technological toys with knobs or pulleys, or real objects
Shows skill in making toys work by pressing parts of lifting flaps to achieve effects such as sound, movement or new images 
Knows that information can be retrieved from computers

and the following for 40-60+ months:

Completes a simple program on a computer
Interacts with age-appropriate computer software

Scaffolding is going up, plans are being drawn, reflective and safety equipment has been delivered - I think next week Miss Emma is going to have a busy busy week with lots of dig dig digging!

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