Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Welcome!  I am Miss Sallie and work at Brambles Pre-school, Brampton here in the UK.  My pre-school class take children who are aged 3-4 years and are with me for one academic year before they move up to reception class.  I work with a great team of mature staff who are committed to high quality learning in the Early Years.  My team are: Miss Michelle, Miss Clare, Miss Joan, Miss Emma, Miss Rose and Mrs Knight.

Brambles pre-school is a place where staff are committed to creating a place where children feel happy, secure and settled in a warm, safe and stimulating environment and a place where each individual little ‘bramble’ will be able to ‘grow’.
The pre-school year is the first step children have on their learning journey and it is as equally as important as any other.  Brambles staff strive to ensure that learning to play and playing to learn is fun and to enable each child to be healthy, to stay safe, to enjoy learning, to achieve his or her best and to make positive contributions to our community.  At Brambles, the first foundation stones are laid for children to achieve a happy and successful future.  
If you would like more information about Brambles Pre-School, please visit:

As Mary Poppins said, 'In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun' and this is how I feel about blogging. I aim for this to be a mixed large tapestry, bottomless bag of kiddliwinkle activities, pre-school learning and beyond!

I look forward to hearing from you and your adventures as a parent, educator, crafter or music lover.

Miss Sallie